I cracked! I finally made a Facebook business page for AM Creative. If you sold your soul to our data mining overlords, please go “Like” my page! Everyone knows Facebook has a pretty epic design team. With the amount of money they bring in I wouldn’t expect any less. Speaking of likes, whats new in the world of facebook design?

(Photo : Getty Images/ AFP)
Ever saw a disheartening Facebook post that made you want to show support, but you didn’t want to do it by liking the post? Even leaving a comment would seem a bit awkward wouldn’t it?
In an interview with Bloomberg, Facebook Chief Product Officer Chris Cox announced that the company would be creating five new variations of the Like button. Only thing is, none of the variations will be a dislike button.
Users will get the option to hold the Like button down and choose of five options – angry, sad, wow, haha and love. The reactions would pop up as animated emojis.
Here’s what Cox said in the interview about the option: “Within the company, there was some debate on how to add the options without making every post look crowded with things to click. The simpler Facebook is to use, the more people will use it. Zuckerberg had a solution: Just display the usual thumbs-up button under each post, but if someone on her smartphone presses down on it a little longer, the other options will reveal themselves. Cox’s team went with that and added animation to clarify their meaning, making the yellow emojis bounce and change expression. The angry one turns red, looking downward in rage, for example. Once people click their responses, the posts in News Feed show a tally of how many wows, hahas, and loves each generated.”
This will not only complement users but also analysts, marketers and advertisers.
“These new buttons give them so much more information than the Like button,” said Patrick Moorhead, an analyst with Moor Insights & Strategy. “With that, they can better target ads and offers. This could be very valuable since better-targeted ads are better performing and more expensive.”
Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced in September that the social network was going to be having new Like options. This new ability to provide more input with less effort is a clever effort, and it seems not only make users happy but also businesses as well.