Monthly Archives: May 2013

How well do you know brands?

Click here to find out!

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Cool app I came across, fantastic for testing color memory.

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Proud to say the only one that really through me off was McDonald’s! The brand I do so well at ignoring!

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Give it a shot and tweet me your score!

We did it!

Well, graduation has finally come and past. It’s Monday after the big weekend. The biggest question now, is…… what?


We have spent our whole lives working toward this moment, and before we know it is over, and we are expected to just blend back into society and start our careers. Jobs obviously aren’t growing on trees these days, so how can we get into the swing of things without stressing ourselves out? Here’s my plan:

Apply/look for a couple jobs EVERY day. Find jobs you would love to work at. Don’t stress out too much about not having a job lined up right after graduation. Most of us don’t.
Most importantly enjoy the time off. For the first time in as long as I can remember I don’t have any due dates. If you are lucky enough like me to have a pile of money to fall back on, go out and enjoy the next few weeks. Take trips, visit friends and have fun. You have earned it.

Congrats my fellow Class of 2013! We did it!